
Intoroduce my favorite movie

My favorite movie is Honey and Clover.
The original of this movie is Japanese girls comics. So this story is love story.


The story is in a school of fine arts in Tokyo. Takemoto who a hero of this movie is first grader student in the university. He is an innocent boy. One day, he is fall in love with Hagumi Hanamoto who is a niece of a professor of the university. She is looked small sized girl and very pretty but her picture is dynamic. The gap of this image felt in love him. And Morita who came back from abroad love her too. One side, Yamada who study ceramic art love Mayama. He studies architecture, and they belong to a seminar together. But he loves other lady who lost her husband. The name is Rika but she can not forget her husband. Mayama knows that Rika do not love to me and Yamada knows Mayama’s love and she Conflict. Afterwards, they who have complex feelings go to the sea. They speak each other and they feel feelings each other. And one day, one side, Mayama says to Yamada “Do you love me?”The other side, Morita Hagumi. She look perplexed and Hagumi notice feelings myself. Takemoto see the spectacle scene. There are intersecting feelings of the 5 people .

[Introduction ]

This movie has noteworthy young man actor. Sho Sakurai from Arashi performs Takemoto of a hero. He act any role and he is not only actor , he is dancer and caster . Yu Aoi performs Hagumi of a heroin. It is acknowledged in her acting. Recently she performed main role at the japanese drama. Yusuke Iseya performs Morita who came back for abroad. He performs to a lot of works. It is acknowledged in his acting.Mayama who fall in love with lady is performed Ryo Kase. Recently he performed main role at the Japanese movie.Yamada who loves Mayama is performed Megumi Seki. Her performance is expected. Supervisor is Masatoshi Takada. He has many popular commercials and he has megaphone at the first. The music is gorgeous. Insertion song is AOSORA PEDALU performed by ARASH by which Sho Sakurai belongs. The main song is MAHO no KOTOBA performed by spitz. They has many popular songs.


Dear Verbal from m-flo

Hello,My name is Yosuke Kobayashi.
I live in Tokyo in Japan I am 18 years old and I am student.
First,I want tell you about I love your songs.

When I was 13 years old,I listen your song on the TV for the first time.
It is "L.O.T(Love Or Truth)".My world extended at the moment.
And I went TSUTAYA for I rent your songs album"Planet Shining".
Recently, you don't make a new album,but I liseten your songs everyday because I like your songs.
especially,I like "love song "and "love comes and goes".I feel that these songs are defference from other your songs.Because tempo of these songs is slowly and the voice is pure.
And above all,your rap part is cool.

In the future, I will listen music through the life.
Adittionally, I want that you will make new songs alubum.
I am your fun through all eternity.

Thenk you for reading my letter.


My turning point

My name is Yosuke Kobayashi and I'd like to tell you about my life since junior high school.
When I was 6 years old, I began to learn the pioano. So, I like listen and play music .
And I am 12 years old then, I belonged to wind orchestra club,My part is trumpet.
My junior high school life with music.
But when I entered high school, I belonged track and field club because I hoped to play sports and I like to run. The time is my turning point .
And now, I belong volleyball club, I will be my best for sports and study.
Thank you.